五月对天波来说是忙碌的一个月。 作为智能支付终端和解决方案提供商,天波将于5月11日至13日参加非洲支付和身份识别展。 天波展台位于摩洛哥马拉喀什Palmeraie会议中心B11。届时,天波的顶级支付产品和解决方案将一一亮相。 期待在我们的展位与您会面!
May is a busy month for Telpo. As a smart payment terminal and solution provider, Telpo will attend Africa Pay & ID Expo from May 11th to May 13th. Telpo Booth is set at B11, Palmeraie Conference Center, Marrakech, Morocco. By then, Telpo’s top payment products and solutions will be exhibited. Looking forward to meeting you at our booth!
关于 Africa Pay & ID Expo
Africa Pay & ID Expo 是非洲首个支付、移动数字化和身份识别交易会。 APIDE是一个促进非洲支付行业发展的B2B平台。 每年,来自卡支付、金融、数字识别等领域的1000多位演员和专家将齐聚展会,探讨最新的创新理念。 Africa Pay & ID Expo 2023 将持续 3 天。
About Africa Pay & ID Expo
Africa Pay & ID Expo is Africa’s first trade fair for payment, mobile digitalization and identification. APIDE is a B2B platform for promoting the development of the African payment industry. Every year, more than 1,000 actors and experts from fields of card payment, finance, digital identification, etc. will gather at the expo to explore the latest and innovative ideas. Africa Pay & ID Expo 2023 will last for 3 days.
过去十年,非洲经济取得了举世瞩目的成就,城市化进程不断加快。 现在非洲人口约12亿,而且还在不断增长。 爆炸式增长的人口、可持续的经济发展需求和智能手机的快速普及,使非洲成为移动支付领域充满活力的市场。
In the past decade, Africa has made remarkable economic progress and is accelerating the pace of urbanization. Now Africa has a population of about 1.2 billion and is growing continuously. The exploding population, sustainable economic development needs and rapid popularity of smartphones make Africa a dynamic market in the field of mobile payment.
作为全球领先的智能支付终端及解决方案提供商,天波一直高度重视非洲市场。 天波移动POS终端(TPS900、TPS320、TPS390、P8、M1)、天波生物识别设备(TPS360、TPS450、S5)和天波验票机(TPS530、T20)服务了众多非洲客户,赢得了客户的认可。 我们相信天波产品正在推动非洲走向数字化和移动化。
As a world-leading smart payment terminal and solution provider, Telpo has been attaching great importance to the African market. Telpo mobile POS terminals (TPS900, TPS320, TPS390, P8, M1), Telpo biometric devices (TPS360, TPS450, S5) and Telpo ticket validators (TPS530, T20) have served numerous African customers and won their recognition. We are confident that Telpo products are pushing Africa to digitalization and mobility.
Telpo’s mobile payment devices
Mobile POS terminals are popular for their high cost-performance, excellent performance, multiple functions, large-capacity battery, etc.
TPS900是运行Android 10操作系统的高安全标准移动EFT POS,已应用于银行、高速公路收费站等收费场景。
TPS900, the mobile EFT POS running on Android 10 OS with a high-security standard, has been used in banks, expressway toll stations, and such scenarios for fee charging.
TPS390是一款配备5英寸触摸屏的手持Android POS,支持IC卡、NFC卡、磁条卡、二维码等多种支付方式。 该移动POS已广泛应用于非洲零售场景,如停车场、小商店等。
TPS390 is a handheld Android POS equipped with a 5-inch touchscreen and supports multiple payment methods including IC cards, NFC cards, magnetic stripe cards and QR codes. This mobile POS has been widely applied in African retail scenarios, such as parking lots, small shops, etc.
Telpo’s biometric devices
身份验证已被更广泛地用于保证身份安全。 天波推出了多款生物识别产品,涵盖手持终端、平板电脑、桌面设备等,天波生物识别设备已应用于账户激活、公民注册、SIM卡注册等身份识别。
Identity verification has been more widely used to guarantee identity security. Telpo has launched a variety of biometric products, covering handheld terminals, tablets, desktop devices, etc. Telpo biometric devices have been applied for identification in account activation, citizen registration, SIM card registration, etc.
天波参加非洲支付和 ID 展会
Telpo on Africa Pay & ID Expo
上述产品均在天波展位(B11)展出。 在展会现场,天波团队将为您全面展示天波的顶级产品和解决方案,消除您的疑虑,让您深入了解天波。
All products mentioned above will be exhibited at Telpo Booth (B11). At the expo site, the Telpo team will fully display Telpo’s top products and solutions to you, eliminate all your doubts and let you deeply understand Telpo.
非洲市场正在蓬勃发展,天波不会放过任何与客户和合作伙伴见面的机会。天波有信心为您的企业赋能,推动非洲走向更加数字化和现代化的支付和 ID 未来! 期待与您相约APIDE!
The African market is boosting and Telpo won’t miss any opportunity to meet customers and cooperative partners. Telpo has the confidence to empower your business and push Africa to a more digital and modern payment and ID future! Looking forward to meeting you at APIDE!
标签:Africa Pay & ID Expo, APIDE, 非洲, 支付, 移动POS
Tag: Africa Pay & ID Expo, APIDE, Africa, payment, mobile POS
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