Online shop is seeing surge these days, with higher demand on quicker logistics efficiency. Hard as logistics industry could be if it still adopt traditional manpower mode to sort and deal with packages one by one. Therefore, intelligent logistics based on high-tech method emerge.
相关数据显示,运输成本占物流成本的一半,而管理费用和仓储费用却占物流总成本的 48%。除了引进电子面单提升发货速度外,物流行业也积极使用各种智能终端进行生产管理、仓库管理和物流管理上进行增效降本。
For modern logistics enterprises, informatization, digitization and automation is the key direction of developing intelligent logistics, which will not only improve efficiency but can reduce labor costs. Data show that transportation costs account for half of logistics costs, while administrative and warehouse charges account for 48 percent. Besides adopt electronic express sheet to improve delivery speed, logistics industry also actively introduce various intelligent terminals for production management, warehouse management and logistics management to increase efficiency and reduce costs.
Take industrial tablet as an example. In the manufacturing workshop, it can unify manage product label through QR code, and realize production tracking and grasp inventory information, which is convenient to understand production chain, stocktaking, shipment and logistics trend.
Same as Telpo industrial tablet S8, it can scan and identify all kinds of mainstream 1D/2D code and make precise data collection. The Octa-core high-performance CPU, Android 9.0 system have access to faster operating rate and efficient tasks processing, realizing fast code scanning identification, information transmission and interactive response. With IP67 protection grade, 1.2m anti-drop can be done and ensure the reliability of the equipment.
In addition, NFC, OCR and passport MRZ, fingerprint identification, iris identification and other functions are supported, which are widely used in logistics and transportation, warehouse management, citizen registration, voter verification, election, border control, ID document issuance, eKYC, access control and time attendance and other industries.
By digitizing product information, industrial tablet can track it dynamically and upload it to the cloud. In virtue of industrial terminal and data system to bridge logistics and transportation channel, realize real-time data transmission and data analysis, and even predict the peak of logistics and optimize the delivery route, we can build a more efficient intelligent logistics in the future.
Tag: industrial tablet, logistics industry, intelligent logistics
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