Catering industry carried out smart and digital upgrade to maintain and attract customers these days. There is a restaurant used smart APP to achieve online booking, mobile phone ordering, QR pay, delivery, obtain member points and other functions, which greatly maintain customer stickiness and cultivate brand loyalty.
However, it is extremely difficult for normal restaurants to develop a dedicated APP and make customers install and use it. Therefore, these restaurants often use small programs and install self-service ordering kiosk at stores. In virtue of self-service ordering kiosk, self-service ordering, dish recommendation, QR pay, face pay and so on functions can be realized.
In fact, Burger King with keen market sense has already installed Telpo face payment self-service ordering kiosks TPS781 in its stores last year. This self-service ordering kiosk is unique in its big screen and face recognition function.
Combining with Alipay software—face pay, a complete catering solution is made. Customers can order their meal in 27 inch HD touchable industrial screen, which not only alleviates queuing time at the peak time but also reduces ordering error rate. Customers can enjoy a more comfortable and pleasure dining experience.
It is worth mentioning that face payment self-service ordering kiosk can realize member registration. Customers can automatically register as members by paying with their faces, without filling in any other personal information. The 3D structured light camera enables face recognition accuracy up to 99.9%.
In order to further guarantee customer privacy, it breaks through liveness detection barriers which completely eradicate fraudulent photos or videos and other beguiling behavior. The double loudspeakers enable advertisement and latest promotion can be showed at the idle dining time, which better enhance customer ordering interactive and interesting.
With small program, APP, smart cash register, self-service ordering kiosk, member marketing and other smart device, restaurants can improve resilience and flexibility and stand stable and even grow under epidemic.
Tag: smart device, catering industry, repurchase rate, self-service ordering kiosk, Burger King, face payment, QR pay
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