Informatization is a great trend of modern economy and social development nowadays. The development and utilization of information resource is an important direct. Resource sharing, high-speed information transmission, collaborative office, remote access cannot separate from the local area network (LAN). As LAN application is very extensive, Telpo officially release Telpo local network solution to facilitate partner work.
What Is LAN?
LAN is the abbreviation of local area network, and users are only available to access the server from fix network in a fix place. Network coverage area is generally within a few kilometers. With convenient installation and expansion, cost saving and so on characteristics, it is widely used in all kinds of office.
Why Should Deploy LAN Solution?
As data need not go through Internet, data security can be greatly guaranteed. Furthermore, the server located at local area network can quickly respond to all requests of APP. In the use procedure, properly maintain LAN network security can effectively protect data security and ensure LAN network normal and stable operation.
What Is The Advantage Of Telpo Local Network Solution?
免费版带Telpo logo,最大用户数为200人,功能响应快速,数据绝对私密,可供200人以内的小型公司永久免费使用。
定制版可提供定制公司logo ,登录背景,最大用户数等内容,适用于200人以上的中大型公司打造品牌特色。
Telpo Face local network solution include hardware, software, algorithm and platform, which supports face ID registration, temperature detection, access control, data statistics, time attendance and other functions.
Importantly, free and customized versions are available.
For the free version, it includes Telpo logo and maximum number of 200 users. The fast function response and absolutely private data is suitable for small companies with no more than 200 users.
For customized version, it can provide customized company logo, login background, maximum user number and other contents. It is suitable for medium and large companies with more than 200 people to build brand characteristic.
How To Deploy Telpo LAN Version?
Telpo face局域网版本,只需在window电脑安装天波提供的exe安装包便可使用,简单轻松的搭建公司或小型网络内部服务器。
To start Telpo Face LAN version, only need to install exe installation package provided by Telpo in the Window computer, which is easy to set up a company or small network internal server.
If you’re interested at Telpo LAN and want to know more details, please feel free to contact us.
Tag: LAN, local area network, Telpo, free
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