Thanks to high-tech, city public transportation successfully launched city bus new service these days, which not only helps city public transportation better prevent virus spread, but also provide a solid guarantee for the resumption of production and work through smart and customized measures.
Aiming to create convenient and safe environment, China Beijing bus group provided customized bus new service and 164 customized bus lines were put into operation as early as February. It is understood that Beijing citizens can inquire routes in the customized bus program, and enjoy some humanized operations such as online ticket purchase, online verification and cancellation, navigation, line collection and sharing, and real-name ride tracing. It is conductive to effectively manage passengers and ensure travel safety in special periods.
Bus face recognition thermometer is also a major bus new service during the epidemic. Installing bus face recognition thermometer at the bus door can measure passengers' body temperature, record bus passenger information and voice health condition. And bus driver need not engage into it, which will reduce contact between driver and passengers and improve their epidemic prevention capacity.
In addition, bus face recognition thermometer can ensure payment and temperature checking together. Just like Telpo face recognition thermometer TPS980T, once passengers get on the bus, they can detect their surface temperature and swipe their bus card. And the device will scan passengers' body temperature within 1 second and voice passengers’ health status to the driver synchronous.
If passengers’ body temperature is too high, high temperature warning will be activated and voice broadcast to bus driver, which can make driver quickly take measure to deal with relevant situation. In addition, information and intelligent tracking can be done. And the abnormal data will be transmitted back to epidemic prevention background as a reliable measure of traffic tracking.
New bus services like online ticket purchase and face temperature checking these city bus new services not only guarantee public traffic safety but also do a good job in passenger management, jointly participate in epidemic prevention and control work.
Tag: face recognition, passenger management, public transportation, bus new service, thermometer, online ticket purchase
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