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Maintaining a relatively constant body temperature is a necessary condition to maintain life activities. Abnormal body temperature can cause metabolic dysfunction and even endanger life. Under the circumstance of covid-19 spreading, temperature measurement is a relatively objective indicator, which is conducive to timely find fever symptom, diagnose infection and make targeted treatments.


At present, infrared thermometer has attracted much attention due to its advantages of contactless temperature checked and harmless to human body. However, temperature checked can be affected by temperature, environment and other effects. Thus, how to achieve accurate temperature checked?


Infrared thermometer is mainly used to measure personnel forehead temperature. It is easily affected by factors such as blood circulation, heat conduction and surface heat condition. There is a certain amount of error when infrared thermometer is used to measure forehead temperature, including personnel sweat after exercise, expose his forehead at the cold air for a long time, and stand outside in winter or individual differences.


Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC) researchers said in a press conference that it is more accurate to measure surface temperature that covered by clothing, including wrist and neck when people at outside or enter the room from outside. As clothing has heat preservation effect, it will less expose to the outside environment than forehead. And the wrist temperature is also relatively stable with a small range of temperature changes.


In addition to adopt wrist temperature checked method, Telpo surface thermometer also uses blackbody calibration for temperature measurement and control temperature error within ±0.3℃ in order to reduce the impact environment on temperature measurement accuracy. Furthermore, Telpo surface thermometer takes international leading temperature detection chip such as Heimann and Melexis, millisecond response speed is effectively to improve detection speed and traffic efficiency, and reduce personnel contact.


According to specific circumstance, people can proper choice measure different body part surface temperature, which will more objectively truly understand their body temperature.


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Founded in 1999, Telpo is the world’s leading smart terminal and solution provider. Telpo owns a series of excellent products and solutions such as POS, cash register, self-service kiosk, face recognition terminal, biometric terminal and so on. Up to now, Telpo products have served for more than 100+ countries, and set up Hong Kong branch and India office to expand market share. In virtue of 20 years’ experience in scientific research projects and professional attitude, 200+ technical patents as strength guarantee, Telpo has established strategic cooperation with MTN, Vodafone, Burger King, 7-11, Africa Lottery Bureaus, Alipay, Baidu, Meituan, Bank of China and other world-renowned companies.


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